Covid 19

Protocols for Parents and Students (from 1st March 2022)

Coming to class:

  • Please obey all current government guidelines and do not come to class if you should be staying at home. If you are unsure whether you are clear to come to class on a particular day, please call us on 0851465033.
  • Please arrive no more than 5mins early to ensure there is minimal interaction between groups of people at the gates.
  • Children will be signed in at the front door, where supervised hand sanitisation will take place.
  • Please walk or cycle to Song and Dance if possible, to avoid traffic congestion. Do not park on College Street. If you are travelling by car, the set-down area is for PEDESTRIANS ONLY, so please park on Dublin Street and walk to the gates. Please observe the double yellow lines in front of Song and Dance.
  • Children should arrive properly dressed for class, i.e. wearing correct shoes, etc.
  • Water bottles should be clearly labelled with your child’s name, and must be brought home. No food is allowed (except in cases of medical necessity).

During Class:

  • Song and Dance team members will minimise close interaction with children.
  • Toilet facilities will be available (for class participants only) – but parents should ensure their children go before they arrive at Song and Dance.

After class:

  • Parents are asked to wait in the set-down area (i.e. not in the road) at collection time. Please be on time, and let us know by call or text if you will be delayed.

Other things to note:

  • From March 1st 2022, use of face coverings at Song and Dance classes will no longer be mandatory for any cohort (except where required under public health guidelines).

    Song&Dance continues to recommend the use of face coverings at indoor classes for post-primary students, especially at classes which involve singing or dancing.

  • Our appointed Covid-19 officer is Jimmy.
  • If a child becomes unwell during a session, we will isolate them and call their parent/guardian to take them home. If your child has a chronic health condition or non-Covid illness where symptoms mimic the symptoms of Covid-19 (e.g. asthma), please make sure we are informed about this by logging in to your user account here. If your child has any new/additional symptoms, please do not attend.